Great Woodland Adventure

I’m finally catching up on photos I took when Amber and Abby visited us in June of this year.

After we hiked back from Hickory Nut Falls, I walked down to get our car from the parking lot and drove up to pick up Cindy, Amber and Abby, then we drove back toward the entrance for our last stop at Chimney Rock that was especially for Abby; The Great Woodland Adventure attraction.

The Great Woodland Adventure was mostly an educational hike through the woods that was geared toward preschool and elementary school age children. Abby had a good time, learned some things and even the adults enjoyed the walk through the woods.

Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock



Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock

Abby gets to see what the fur of different woodland animals feels like.

Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock

A little out of focus, Abby sits atop a giant frog.

Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock

Amber and Abby get to see what it feels like to be a tree…with a face…made out of resin…that other people have slobbered all over. But it was fun 🙂

Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock

Part of Abby’s “assignment” on the trail was to observe attributes of plants and animals and answer questions that were posed on signs nearby. She was quite the little biologist.

Great Woodland Adventure at Chimney Rock

Abby is dwarfed by a huge boulder in the woods.

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