Baby You Can Drive My Car

My granddaughter Abby has been walking around singing the song from “Frozen”, a couple of songs by Katy Perry and other “latest hits” so I decided it was time to get her acquainted with some of the classics, and what better band than the greatest of all time, The Beatles?

A couple of nights we were eating dinner and something was said about her driving a car when she got older and I started singing “Baby You Can Drive My Car” to her and she loved it (the song, not my singing, lol) so after diner I took her over to the computer and pulled up this video.

She kept asking me to play it again and again so she could learn the lyrics, while I pointed out who Paul, John, George and Ringo were.

Now she walks around singing “Baby You Can Drive My Car” and granddad is happy 🙂

Next up on her musical education: “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”

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