Where to Find Me Online in 2020

Where to Find Me Online and on Social Media in 2020


Where everybody hangs out, not because they necessarily WANT to but because…it’s where everyone else is at?

Well, if you’re looking for a change, see below.


Like a lot of people, I am on Facebook but am not happy to be on Facebook.

I change my settings to what I want and in the dark of night Facebook changes them back to whatever they want. I’m sick of the ads that seem to outnumber the posts of people and groups I follow. For some reason, posts of people I follow don’t show up in my feed when they post them but instead a day or more later suddenly pop up as if they are current. My wife is designated as someone whose posts I want to see first, but that hardly ever happens. In general, I’m only on Facebook because my family, friends, and co-workers are on there.

So I’ve been trying out MeWe for about a month. I have no family, friends, or co-workers as contacts on there at the moment, but I have been participating in some pretty decent groups about travel, blogging, photography, and a couple of other interests. There are no ads (the site is supported by users purchasing extras, but I haven’t seen the need to make use of any of those extras at this time), no tracking of you to other sites, and no data mining of your personal information. You enter your settings and they stay what you entered.

As their tag line says: “No Ads. No Spyware. No BS. The Next-Gen Social Network”

You can access MeWe as a webpage or using their app.

So, if you’re interested in an alternative to Facebook, come on over and look me up. The link above should take you right to me. This QFR is supposed to work as well.

I’m sure it will be an even more engaging site with friends, family, and co-workers taking part.



More photos here than my other sites, but they’re all iPhone camera shots, not DSLR.

View my photos on 500px

As you can see, I haven’t posted any photos in 6 years, but I’m hoping to change that soon.

View my photos on Flickr

Again, haven’t posted any photos in a while but there a LOT of photos from over the years; some pretty good, some not so good.

View my videos on YouTube

It’s been a year since I posted any videos here, but there are about 50 videos going back 10 years that might be fun to look at.

See what I’ve pinned on Pinterest

I was never really sure what Pinterest was for, but I stored a lot of images there, mostly comic book covers or comic book related art, along with some odd retro photos and cartoons.


Just a clone of this blog. Not sure what else to do on Tumblr. I need to explore it more. Any suggestions?

Here at my Blog

I plan to be more regular in posting here. Right now, I’m shooting for once a week. If you sign up on the right, you’ll get an email notice every time there’s a new post.

I think that’s about it. If you have any suggestions of great places to be or post, drop a link in the comments below. I’d love to see your places to be.

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