In the half-sleepiness of first awakening this morning I sent someone a text message that included the words “Happy Memorial Day.” After eating some breakfast and being more fully awake, it struck me how ill-advised it was to combine the word “Happy” with the words “Memorial Day” and I felt badly about my poor choice of phrasing. After all, it’s an observance, not a celebration.
Memorial Day is the day we set aside in the United States for remembering the men and women who died while serving in our country’s country’s armed forces. It is a day to honor the sacrifice of the brave service members who gave their lives to defend America. I’m sure there must be a better choice of words to use in wishing someone a good day on this solemn day.
However you observe the day, I hope that you will take at least a few moments to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice.
My husband and I were discussing this this morning. Many people mistakenly thank a current military member for their service but isn’t this day meant to remember the fallen? Veterans’ Day is meant to honor current people serving. Not that I don’t think a thanks everyday to our service people is in order but today is for those that have made one of the ultimate sacrifices.
You and your husband are absolutely correct. Today is a day of remembrance and honor, Veterans Day is a day to thank current and former members of the armed services. As you pointed out, a lot of folks get them confused.
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